- Developing Your Reading Skills -
Building Your Vocabulary:
*Using a Dictionary*
A. Encircle the letter of the meaning of the italicized word in each sentence. Use the dictionary to check if your choice is correct.

1. The view of blooming flowers was simply marvelous.
a. carefully looking at/watching
b. sight from a certain place
c. art of seeing

2. It was simply breathtaking to see the beauty of the mountains.
a. very exciting
b. holding one’s breath from excitement
c. pausing for rest

3. Potted plants were placed inside the house as part of the décor.
a. style and layout of interior furnishings
b. building
c. additional attraction

4. Learn to delegate the different tasks.
a. give knowledge of
b. empower somebody of
c. make one responsible for getting things done

5. The girl was an enlightened gardener.
a. informed, knowledgeable
b. ignorant, uninformed
c. uninterested, indifferent

6. Plants need nourishment to live.
a. provisions for growth
b. food
c. protection from sunlight

7. Ecology is taught in school.
a. The pattern of relationship between living things and their environment
b. The study of plants
c. The practice of doing things carefully without worry

8. Dina shared cuttings with her friends.
a. parts of a plant which grow into a new plant
b. things that cut
c. small slices of food

9. Mother passed her legacy of love for plants to her daughter.
a. set of laws
b. old story
c. something left to a person

10. She gave me a nonchalant look whenever I talked about a video game.
a. deceiving
b. unimportant
c. confident and easy

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