
October 2022 1 9 Report

16.It is common courtesy to be able to make people laugh

17.A relater client is someone who is soft-spoken, shy and timid. *

Kailangan ang tanong na ito
18.Flat Draping Method pertains to when the sheet is what is placed on top of the client. On the other hand, the top drape is placed to cover and uncover the areas that will be massaged. *
19.When a client is in the prone upper extremity position, a top sheet is folded, over to make the back exposed. *
20.You should be prepared for a negotiation as a director client would not allow even a single mistake. *
21.Tactfulness is when instead of lying or hurting people’s feelings, you are able to tell them something in a manner that gives importance to how they would feel. *
22.There is no need to consider a customer’s feedback on the service or goods you provide them. Do what you want to do even when your clients don’t like them. *
23. Personality is the characteristic patterns of thoughts, emotions or feelings, and behaviors or attitude that make a person unique *
24. Linens should always be immediately laundered after using it four times. *
25. Always smile whenever dealing with your clients. *

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