
September 2022 1 1 Report
1. Hudhud is a chant recited during occasions and is all about epic poetry and known as the chant of Ifugao.
2. Owiwi, Dagdagay, Oppia, and Kawayanna are songs related to an infant.
3. Kulial is a spontaneous singing style or practice of song in a chorus form.
4. One characteristic of Music in Cordillera is being Free meter there is no fixed time signature
5. Ibaloi Badiw is a lyrical poem about expressing the love that is usually accompanied by Kusyapi, played by man and a Pagang which a woman plays.
6. This is a seven-syllable line that ends in rhyme called Ambahan.
7. Lullably in Tausug is called Langan bata-bata.
8. Pamuybuyen is a song about legends.
9. Marayaw is a song used in ritual to communicate with spirits to heal the sick and protect the community.
10. Tultul e a piece of vocal music about epic heroes who were chanted at night and ended et daybreak.
11. The Music in Visayas common theme of the song is all farming and harvesting.
12. This is a fare well song in Ilocos called Dandansoy.
13. Rosas Pandan is a song for children.
14. Si Perlon is a work song.
15. Condansoy is a drinking song.​

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