
December 2022 2 8 Report
DIRECTION: Modified True or False Study each statement Write TRUE if it is correct, otherwise write FALSE

1. Celsius is the SI unit for energy
2. A continuous heating moves the piston of a heat engine.
3. Internal/ thermal energy is the sum of the molecular kinetic energy in the system
4. Normally, heat flows from a colder object to a hotter object when the two objects are placed in contact
5. Heat flows from a hotter object to a cooler object with the use of a heat pump
6. Heat engine is any device that converts thermal energy into mechanical work
7. Energy is not needed to perform work 8. Mechanical work takes place in the piston of a gasoline engine
9. Work is required for the heat to flow from a lower to higher temperature
10. A device that changes thermal energy into mechanical work is a heat pump.​

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