
August 2022 1 3 Report
The Value of People
by Jim Johnson
When I worked as an errand boy at a big store, a rich lady came in and bought a very
expensive Chinese vase. As I went off to deliver it, the boss gave me a stern warning to be
extra careful. I found the lady's mansion, and just as I was squeezing in through a half-open
gate, I heard something break inside the parcel. I went pale with fear. I wanted to run away
Just then the large mansion door opened and an elderly lady came out I was very
worried about what I was going to tell her, when suddenly a large playful shepherd dog came
bounding across the lawn and jumping right on top of me, knocking the vase to the ground with
a smashing sound. The lady came hurrying over, while the dog licked my face. Excitedly, she
asked, "For heaven's sake, lad, I hope you're not hurt."
And then I started, "About the vase, I just wanted to tell you..." But I never got to say it
"Oh, the vase?" she said. "That's nothing to worry about... But how about you? You
know, that dog is still young and probably thought you wanted to play with him... Are you
Well, she gave me a good tip for bringing the vase. And I patted the dog on the head. He
had been my savior.
I can never forget that lady, who thought more about me than that valuable vase.
Learning Task:
Directions. Answer the following questions below. Write your answer on the line.
1. Who are the characters in the story?
2. What is the story all about?
3. What is problem encountered by the main character in the story?
4. How was the problem solved?
5. How does the story end?​
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