
October 2022 1 5 Report
The nose has hair-like structures called cilia. How do they help the organs of the respiratory system?
A. it traps particles of dust in the air before it goes to the pharynx.
B. it warms the air before it goes to the larynx.
C. it adds moisture to the air before it goes to the trachea.
D. it directs the flow of the air before it goes to the lungs

Why are the lungs considered the main respiratory organ?
A. The lungs provide moisture to the air.
B. The lungs direct air into entering the respiratory system.
C. The lungs separate the chest and the abdominal cavity.
D. the lungs have alveoli or air sacs where exchange of gasses take place.

When you exhale, the diaphragm helps air leave the body when it_______.
A. flattens in and pulls inward
B. flattens out and pulls downward
C. relaxes and return to its normal resting position
D. contracts and returns to its normal resting position


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