
August 2022 1 18 Report
This question is specifically for @JashylolPH. I need good answers.

Give the Given and the Solution to the problems.

1. What is the momentum of a 220 kg tricycle traveling in [tex]{12{\frac{m}{s}}}[/tex] to the right?
2. A tennis player hits an approaching ball with a force of 750 N. If she hits the ball in 0.002 s, how much impulse is imparted to the tennis ball?
3. What is the velocity of a collision if a railway train with a mass of 6000 kg is moving to the right at 2.0 [tex]{12{\frac{m}{s}}}[/tex] and collides with an empty freight train with a mass of 3000 kg which ia moving to the left on the same track at 3.0 [tex]{12{\frac{m}{s}}}[/tex]


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