
December 2022 1 7 Report

[tex]punan \: ng \: tsart \: \\ ng \: mga \: hinihinging \: sagot.[/tex]
[tex]epekto \: ng \:mga \: lindol| pagputok \\ ng \: bukan \: s \: buhay \: ng \: tao[/tex]
[tex]buhay \: ng \: tao \\ (one \: to \: five)[/tex]
[tex]ari - arian \\ (one \: to \: five)[/tex]
[tex]kabuhayan \\ (one \: to \: five)[/tex]
[tex]perfect \: answer \: = brainliest[/tex]
[tex]nonsense = report[/tex]
[tex](health \: in \: m.a.p.e.h.)[/tex]

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