
October 2022 1 8 Report
Directions: Read each passage carefully then answer the questions that follow.
A Traditional Malaysian cuisine, although tasty is quite unhealthy. Fortunately, the
younger set now seem to be refocusing on Japanese, Korean and Chinese food that
are much healthier. However, there is still an over-abundance of fast food restaurants
that get the youngsters into unhealthy eating habits.
1. What did the author show bias against?
a Korean and Chinese cuisine
b. Traditional Malaysian cuisine
c. Fast food restaurants
2. Which statement signaled the author's bias?
a. However, there is still an over-abundance of fast food restaurants that get
the youngsters into unhealthy eating habits.
b. Fortunately, the younger set now seem to be refocusing on Japanese,
Korean and Chinese food that are much healthier.
c. Traditional Malaysian cuisine, although tasty is quite unhealthy.
Malaysia is on a threatening downward spiral fueled by religious bigotry. We are a
growing polarized nation at war with ourselves. The recent years have been marred
by reports that show us just how badly divided we are becoming. We feel as though
the damage is already done and our society has reached the peak of desolation where
most of us are feeling despondent about our nation's future.
3. What did the author show bias against?
a. Religious bigotry in Malaysia
b. Malaysian society
c. Malaysia's future​

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