Task 2. Read the text below and answer the questions that follow. Write them
on a separate sheet of paper to express your reaction about the text.
The Filipino is eminently suited to his romantic role. He is slender and wiry. He
is nimble and graceful in his movements, his voice is soft, and he has the gift of
language. In what other place in the world can't find people who can carry on a
fluent conversation in at least three languages?
This gift is another means by which the Filipino as managed to survive. There
is no insurmountable barrier between him and any of the people who have come to
live him - Spanish, American and Japanese. The foreigners do not have learn his
language. He easily manages to master theirs.
Verily, the Filipino is like the bamboo tree. In its, grace, in its ability to adjust
itself to the peculiar and inexplicable whims of fate, the bamboo tree is his
expressive and symbolic national tree, it will have to be, not the molave or the narra,
but the bamboo.
1. What are the assertions about Filipinos in the text?
2. Do you agree with the writer's description of the Filipinos? Why or why not?
3. Will you consider yourself like the bamboo? The molave? or the narra? Why on
why not?​

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