TASK 1. Directions: Create a graphlo organizer, outlining or summarizing the information given
below. These are the five key elements of a story.
1. Setting: A story's setting refers not only to the physical location, but also the time the action takes
place. It is the where and the when of a story.
2. Character: Depending on the nature of the story, characters are most often people or animals
Writers use characters to perform the actions and speak the dialogue of a story. They move a story'
plot forward. They are the "who of a story.
3. Plot: The plot relates to the events that happen in a story. Plot can be further divided into sub-
elements such as: Introduction, rising action, cllmax, falling action, and resolution. It is the 'What of
the story. Plot usually begins with a problem and ends in the story's resolution
4. Conflict: Every story worth its salt requires conflict. This conflict can be thought of as a challenge
or problem that drives the action of the story. No conflict, no story. Setting up a series of cause and
effect events, conflict gives those events their why
5. Theme: A little more abstract than the previous elements, the theme refers to the underlying insight,
the moral or idea that the writer is expressing through the story. It is often thought of as the message
of the story

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