
September 2022 1 2 Report
t this vi vouwt understand why there is a need to keep our wetal utensils and other metalets at home to prevent from rustig Learning Task No. 5 lnvestigating the rate of You will need the following material pes of iron nails small dry cloth cloth small we cloth Cloth ) are not ample of material made front) 1. Place one dry and wet cloth near the window 2. Puti pe of new nail for any manalmade for rent in each cloth 3. Let the nail in the cloth stand for 48 hours Prom time to time, sprinkle water in cloths to keep the cloth moist while checking cloth A that it is dry 5. Observe what will happen to the naila or materials made from iron af ter 48 hours 6. Write your observations in table 4.​

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