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Learning Activities
Learning Task 3:
A. Read the statements carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. What is the corresponding word with this symbol %?
A. Base Percentage C. Rate D. Ratio
2. This refers to the part of g whole?
A. Base B. Percentage C) Rate D. Ratio
3. What is the total or whole and it is the number that usually follows the phrase "percent of"?
A. Base
B. Percentage I Rate D. Ratio
4. What is the other word for rate?
A. Base B. Percent C. Rate D. Ratio
5. A symbol that stands for percent is:
A. #
B. %
C. & D.)
B. Write T if the underlined words are true and F for false if these are not.
1) The Rate is the percent, or the number of thousandths parts.
2) The Base is the total, or the whole quantity.
3) The symbol for percent is %.
4) Percentage is known as part of the whole.
5) Rate is the number written with the symbol %.​

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