
November 2022 1 5 Report
Solve the following problems.
11. Find the missing term so that ___ - 48x + 64 forms a perfect square trinomial. *
1 point
A. 9x
B. 3x
C. 3x²
D. 9x²
12. If the area of a square is (x² – 18X + 81)cm² then what is its perimeter? *
1 point
A. (x -9) cm
B. (4x + 36) cm
C. (x + 9) cm
D. (4x - 36) cm
13. Mrs. Cortez owned a squared garden. The area of the garden is (4x² + 20x + 25) square meters. How long is each side? *
1 point
A. (2x +5)² meters
B. (2x + 5)(2x - 5) meters
C. (2x + 5) meters
D. (2x - 5) meters
14. Jing and Mel plan to buy a lot with an area of (15a²b²+30ab) square meters. If they buy a lot with a width of (3ab+6) meters, what is its length? *
1 point
A. (5ab) meters
B. (3ab + 6) meters
C. (3ab) meters
D. 5ab(3ab + 6) meters
15. Pipay wants to buy a full-length mirror with a height of (9x²+12xy+16y²) cm and area of (27x³-64y³) square centimeters. What could be its width? *
1 point
A. (3x - 4) cm
B. (3x + 4y) cm
C. (3x + 4y)(3x - 4y) cm
D. (3x - 4y) cm​

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