1)Does being born in a particularly country automatically makes you as their citizens?

A. No, because there are principles or requirements to follow.

B. Yes, for labor itself is not easy so give them the privilege to have the citizenship immediately.

2)The term used to call a person who doesn't belong to the place or someone no one knows.

A. Stateless person.

B. Alien.

3)Which statement is true in our society of today?

A. People that stays in truth of what they speak.

B. People that stays in truth of what they think is needed to say.

4)How can a foreigner be a citizen of the Philippines?

A. He needs to go in a process of naturalization.

B. He just needs to stay in the philippines for one year.

5)can we sue the government directly?

A. No, because we need to force them out to respond to our plea.

B. No, because we still need to have their consent or knowledge before coming in.

6)What does "nation" mean?

A. A group of people who have gathered together despite of the differences.

B. A group of people who have separated but have the same goals.

7)Does media affects the suffrage in the Philippines?

A. Yes, as they can show the candidates that they like in the TV especially with a famous network.

B. No, because people or voters already knew who will they vote in the get-go.

8)What makes presidential government more advantageous than parliamentary?

A. Presidential votes for their president by majority of votes from the citizens.

B. Presidential cannot immediately eliminate their leader or their president.

9)The basic social institution of a community or a country

A. Brotherhood/Sisterhood

B. Family

10)Which of the two is true about authority?

A. Authority does more influence to the people.

B. Authority can only be given to the people who was strength to carry it.

11)This is form of government is originated form the United States.

A. Parliamentary

B. Presidential

12)Can a nation be filled with different individuals

A. Yes, as the true meaning of nation is having different people gather into one common ground.

B. Yes, because the nation is synonymous to the word "people".

13)What do you mean by the lingua franca?

A. The language used outside the country.

B. The language commonly used inside the country.

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