
September 2022 1 0 Report
SION Task: Finding out the effect of acidic mixture like vinegar on iron. Materials: 3 pieces small iron nails (2.5cm long) 1 cup white vinegar (i.e datu puti) 3 small clear glasses 1 cup water 2 droppers Instructions: 1. Prepare a table similar to the one below, use a separate sheet of paper. Answers to questions 1 to 3 should also be written on this paper. Note: (Optional) Take picture of your result after three days. Set-up Observations After 1 day After 2 days After 3 days Nail 1 Nail 2 Nail 3 2. Clean and wipe dry all the iron nails and the glasses. 3. Place one piece of iron nail in each glass. Question 1: Why do you think there are three different bottles for each sample of iron nail? 4. Put 2 to 3 drops just enough to barely cover the sample) of vinegar on top of the iron in each glass. 5. After adding vinegar to all samples, put aside the bottles where you can observe changes for three days 6. Write your observations after one day, two days and three days on the data table in step 1 #1. Question 2: At the end of three days, describe completely what happened to each sample. Question 3: Give explanations for the result you have observed. donol You are now ready to take your post-test. You​

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