
March 2023 1 5 Report
A. Identify if its bias and prejudice
1. Not hiring a potential applicant suitable for the job just because he/she is a supporter of a political candidate that the HR personnel does not like.

2. Giving a higher pay to a newly hired Christian employee over a Muslim employee for 8 years.

3. Students from higher-class society receive better school treatment than that of scholars in a university.

4. Bright-skinned students occupy the first row of seats, while tan-skinned students must sit in the back row.

B. Essay

1. Based on your personal encounters, identify certain cases or scenarios where bias or prejudice had been shown or practiced. Tell whether it is bias or prejudice. Give only the major details of the experience. Provide an explanation to justify that it is an example of bias or prejudice.

Pa help pls :(
Finish in 3 minutes= brainliest
Wrong= report

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