
April 2021 1 38 Report
Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper. Show your complete solution.
A. Jess, Ana, and Dee bought materials for
their project worth P 276.45. The girls divided the
amount equally among themselves. How much is each share?
1. What is asked in the problem?
2. What are the given?
3. What operation/s will be used?
4. What is the mathematical sentence?
5. What is the answer?
B. Mang Tony has 7.5 hectares of land. He wants to divide it into 1.5 hectares each for his sons
How many sons does Mang Tony have?
1. What is asked in the problem?
2. What are the given?
3. What operation/s will be used?
4. What is the mathematical sentence?
5. What is the answer?​

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