
September 2022 1 6 Report
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A technical pen (x) costs 30php and a regular pen (y) costs 10php. How many of each kind of pens do you think Natoy can buy for 120php?

Let’s say Natoy bought 3 technical pens, how much money is left? Php

If so, how many regular pens did Natoy buy?

Therefore, Natoy bought 3 technical pens and
regular pen/s for 120php.

Good job! You did it!

Now, suppose there are only 2 pieces of technical pens, how many regular pens do you think Natoy can buy?

Therefore, Natoy bought 2 technical pens and
regular pens.

Very good! You made it!

What if Natoy bought 12 pieces of regular pens, how many technical pen/s did he buy?

Therefore, Natoy could only buy 12 regular pens because he run out of money after buying 12 pieces of regular pens.

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