
October 2022 2 9 Report

I need you're help guys!!

Can you tell which is real and which is a make-believe? Read the
sentences about the sun. Write YES if it is real or reality and NO if it is a make believe or fantasy.

_____ 1. Too much exposure to the sun may cause skin problems.
_____ 2. Astronauts will be sent to the sun to study it more closely.
_____ 3. The sun is bigger than the moon.
_____ 4. Human beings can live on the sun.
_____ 5. The sun is made up of burning gases.
_____ 6. All planets revolve around the sun.
_____ 7. The sun sleeps and goes to bed at night.
_____ 8. The sun rotates on its axis.
_____ 9. The sun is a star.
_____ 10. The sun eats the moon during a lunar eclipse.

This question is only for a great answer's! Please stop copying answer's to other's or in the website! Copying answer's is forbidden! And don't answer nonsense too!

Thank you (in advance)!

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