
September 2022 1 3 Report
Read the story. Identify the characters, setting, plot and the theme by completing the chart below.

An old fable tells the story of a young lion and a cougar. Both were thirsty. One hot afternoon, they happened to arrive at the local watering hole at the same time. They immediately began to argue about who should satisfy his thirst first.
The argumentation became heated, and each decided who should be the first to quench his thirst. Rulership of the territory was a stake! Pride was an issue! As they stubbornly confronted each other, their emotions turned to rage. Their roars and screechers could be heard from miles as they moved closer and closer to battle.
Then they both noticed strange shadows skirting across the ground. Both looked up at the same time. Circling overhead was a flock of vultures, waiting for the loser to fall! Quietly, the two beasts turned and walked away. The thought of being devoured was all they needed to end their quarrel. ​

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