
August 2022 2 2 Report
Read the statement carefully. Encircle the letter of the best answer
1. Earthworm, tapeworm, ascaris, hookworm are examples of what type of invertebrate?
b. Mussels
c.worm d. crustaceans
2. which type of vertebrate animals can undergo metamorphosis?
b. frog
c. turtle
d. mosquito
3. Which of these invertebrate animals have jointed logs?
a flatworms Barthropods c. echinoderms
d. sponges
4. A
is a place where living things live while continuously interacting with other living and non living
@ Ecosystem b. community
c. society d. government
5. A natural ecosystem operates by itself without being interrupted by
a animals b Human beings c, police officers d. illegal loggers
are trees that grow along the coasts. They are usually found in shallow waters along the
mouths of bays, lagoons, and rivers.
A. narra b mangrove
c. accasia
d.coconut tree
7. Which statement is true about rainforest?
A. It is composed mostly of all trees and extensive foliage cover,
B. They are regions with year-round warmth and abundant rainfall
C. Rainforest are mostly found in shallow and tropical seas.
D. They are estimated to house more than half of the world's plant and animal species,
8. The part of ecosystem where living things live is called
A. Habitat B. Artificial ecosystem
c. manmade
D. d. natural ecosystem
9. Which is an example of abiotic compinent in an ecosystem?
A. Air B. Plants
D. decomposers D. animals
10. The living components of an ecosystem is called
A. Abiotic B. Boitic
c. habitat
D. Decomposers
11. This type of ecosystem is composed mainly of tall trees and extensive foliage cover.
A. Coral reefs B. Mangrove
c. rainforest D. oceans
12. are trees that grow along the coasts.
A. Mangrove B. Coral Reefs
C. rainforest D. Coconut Tree
13. It is a type of ecosystem that is manually maintained by man.
A. Artificial ecosystem
c. biotic ecosystem
B. Natural ecosystem
d. abiotic ecosystem
14. How are coral reefs formed?
A. Coral reefs are formed when the exoskeleton of corals accumulate in large quantities
B. Coral reefs are formed when predation occurs between big and small fish
C. Coral reefs are formed whentwo or more organisms compete for resources
D. Coral reefs are formed when one organism is benefitted in the ecosystem
15. Why are coral reefs important?
A. They are tourist attractions
c. they make the water colorful
B. They make the water shallow
d. they serve as the habitat of small fishes
16. Where are mangrove swamps located?
A. Along tropicaland subtropical coastines C. along rocky coastlies
B. Along arctic oceans
d. along temperate coastlines
17. Which is considered the resident species in the mangrove swamp ecosystem?
A. Fish B. monitor lizard
c. oysters
D. egret
18. What is the role of crustaceans like crabs in the mangrove ecosystem?
A. They serve as food for other animals
B. They find food in the mud
C. They attach themselves to the roots of the mangroves D. They help break down leaf
litter through grazing
19. Eagles, tall trees, snakes and monkeys are biotic component of which ecosystem?
A. Rainforest B. Mangrove swamp C. coral reefs D. Rice field
20 Oysters, scallops, mussels, clams, snails, squids and octopus are examples of
A. Flatworms B. Mollusks c. echinoderms D. crustaceans
21. Which group of invertebrate animals are correct?
A. Coral, hydra, jellyfish, sea anemone
B. Ascaris, vinegar eel, hookworm, frog
C. Starfish, sea cucumber, spider, sea urchin D.A. Ants, spiders, snail, shrimp
22. Mollusks, annelids, cnidarian, echinoderms, arthropods are classifications of_
A. Vertebrate animals B. Invertebrate animals
C rainforest species D, components of coral reefs
23. Insects are examples of which type of invertebrate animals?
A. Crustaceans
B. Mollusks
c. arthropods d. echinoderms
24. Which of these type of invertebrates are pore-bearing animals?
A. Sponges B. Sea urchin C. jellyfish D. hookworm
25. Lobsters are examples of
A. Segmented worms
C. spiny-skinned animals
B. Joint-legged animals
d. pore-bearing animals​

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