
September 2022 2 6 Report
1. What is the major idea or concept presented?
A. We cannot have all that we want.
B. One robot is better than none at all.
C. Ballet dancing is not good for little boys.
D. Old computers can be recycled.
2. Who is the main character?
A. Jose
B. Robot C. Father D, EX-TRA
3. Where did the story happen?
A. At a machine shop
B. In a robot factory
C. In a home of a rich family
D. At the backyard
4. What is the climax?
A Jose beat and tortured EX-TRA for being stubborn
B. The elder Jose threatened to send his son to a ballet school
C. Jose returned to his room at the garage
D. Old computer can be recycled
5. What is the ending of the story?
A. Jose gave in to his father
B. Jose went to his mother for help
C. Jose sent EX-TRA to a junk shop
D. Jose's robots were sold
6-10. Arrange the events in order as they appear in the story. Write A, B, C, D, E.
6. Jose rushed back to his room at the top of the garage
7. Jose needed another computer and a new robot
8. Jose will be sent to a ballet class
9. The father challenged his son to demonstrate what EX-TRA could do
10. EX-TRA was a proud and stubborn robot.​

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