
June 2023 1 2 Report
Q3. Separate the common, proper, countable and uncountable nouns in the following sentences and write them in the appropriate columns in the following table:

a. Lahore Qalandars have won two matches.

b. Days become hot in May and June.

C. They were doing their routine jobs.

d. A pendulum clock was beating half seconds.

e. They were eating when the boy jumped off his chair.

f. He had bound all his books and notebooks.

g. The prefect of our class always reaches on time.

h. Wasps and bees only sting when they are annoyed.

i.A clever man deceived the villagers.

j. The sun shoots its rays on the farms and the fields.

k. Microsoft issued the salary to the workers.

1. The Labour Union called on the strike.​

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