Q10 How is chlorine of lime is chemically different from calcium chloride?
Q11 Name the acids present in the following foodstuffs which attribute to a sour taste to them- (a) Lemon juice (b)Vinegar (c) Vitamin C tablet (d)Tamarind (e) Sour milk
Q12 What does pH stand for? What does pH scale indicate?
Q13 Sweet tooth may lead to tooth decay. Explain, why? What is the role of tooth paste in preventing cavities
Q14 Write the names of five hydrated salts with their colours and formulae.
Q15 How are bases different from alkalis? Are all bases alkalies
Q16 What are strong acids and weak acids? Give two examples.
Q17 How will you test a gas which is liberated when hydrochloric acid reacts with an active metal?
Q18 Indicate with the help of a diagram the variation of pH with change in concentration of hydrogen ion and hydroxide ions showing Increase of acidic and basic nature. (i) Increase and decrease of H ion
Q19 What are indicators ? Give examples and their colour changes in different medium.
Q20 How will you prepare 100 times dilute solution from 1mL of concentrated sulphuric acid solution ? What precaution would you suggest and why?​

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