Q1 Solve the following
a) : 6,37,521 +4,98,053 + 2,48,963

b) 57,69,848 - 20,95,732

c) 65,839 X 276

d) 2,76,453 265

Q2. Medicine is packed in boxes, each weighing 5kg 600g. How many such boxes can be loaded in a van which cannot carry beyond 260kg?

Q3. A student multiplied 1234 by 67 instead of multiplying by 76. By how much was his answer lesser than the correct answer.

Q4. Sunny is a famous cricket player. He has so far scored 8932 runs in test matches. He wishes to complete 10,000 runs. How many more runs does he need?

Q5. Starting from the smallest 9-digit number, write the next five numbers in ascending order.

Q6. Write the predecessor for the following numbers: a) 72731731 b) 3932802201

Q7. Write the successor for the following numbers: (a) 32891210 (b) 98752122

Q8. Write the following in roman numerals: (a) 329 (b) 98 (c) 121

Q9. Write the following in Hindu - the Arabic system of numeration: (a) CCCXL (b) LXXXVI (c) CDXLVI

Q10. The canteen charge Rs. 50 for lunch and Rs. 20 for milk each day. How much money do you spend in 4 days on these things?​

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