Let's Try (Evaluation)
Directions: Rood the narrative carefully. Then evaluate it by briefly answering the
questions/providing what aro askod after the text.
The Wallet
Jenny was in the town while the sun has just greeted everyone, starring at the store
window longingly. She really wanted a Happy Hannah doll but she doesn't have any money.
As she was walking in the sidewalk, she thought about taking over her brother's chores
in exchange of a couple of money which may be enough to buy the doll. Just as she was
concluding that this would be onough, something caught her eye. It was a small, pink triangle
poking out from the roadside.
Jenny walked over whoroupon she realized that it was a fashionable leather wallet.
She unzipped the bulging wallet to find a thick peso bills and one ID.
Jenny stared at the old woman in her driver's license photo which reminded her of
her sweet grandmother, Jenny sighed and then went to the store while her heart beats quickly.
She had long dreamed about this moment, grabbed one and began walking to the counter.
As Jenny approached the counter, her grandmother called her. Jenny's heart filled
with love and appreciation as she thought of her sweet old grandma. She put the doll down
and picked up the phone call.
Jenny left the store and walked through the town. She thought of her grandma as she
rang tho boll at 301 West Street. The woman who answered the door had been crying
recently. Jenny recognized her from tho ID, "Hore, I found this in the snow," Jenny said as
she handed her the wallot. The woman's face glowed with joy and relief.
"Oh, good God! This is the money for the orphanagel Now we can bring the children
the pupples for Christmas! It's a miraclel" The woman took the wallet smilingly. She was so
appreciative that she gave Jenny a cookie and a ride home.
After doing her brother's chores for three months, Jenny finally got a Happy Hannah
doll. She could play with her doll and look her grandma in the eyes because she did the
right thing.
1. Who are the characters in the story?
2. Setting:
4. Plot:
Rising Action:
Falling Action:
5. Theme:
What is the moral of the story?​

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