provided (Answer on the Learner's Activity and Assessment sheets.) 1. Reusing of old jars for storage is a simple way to? A Recycled waste B. Residual management C. Reduce waste D. Reuse waste 2. What happens to food that is put into yards' waste groundiorintta monastim Container? A The food scraps will go to a special food-only landfill B. The food scraps will be made into new food. C. It is turned into compost that can be used to nourish our parens. D. The food will be eaten by the insects. 3. When recycling a plastic water bottle, what shoud you do with the a A The cap goes into a garbage can and the bottle goes ima lepidimu mm. B. Screw the cap back on the bottle, then put the battle adicam im Bryalm bom C. Recycle the cap separately. D. Threw them in a the garbage bin. 4. How will you know if a plastic container is recyclable? A Look at the number on the bottom. B. Look at the shape-only bottles, jugs, and round diary tatu aenerydatie C. Look at the color of the plastic D. Look at the appearance of the plastic. 5. Which of the following items does belong in the blue recycle contimmer? A. Food scraps such as a banana peel. B. A plastic bottle C. A straw D. A bottle cap. Activity Recycling Lessons and Actuati


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