pronunciations parts of 2 The words in a dictionary and thesaurus are serve as help in finding the word 4 As a book like a dictionary that contains a antonyms of the words All words in a dictionary and thesaurus are called 6. I can usah or even the meaning of 7 Adi is a reference book that contains words with pronunciations, parts of speech, spellings ad definitions a. The words in a dictionary ad thesaurus are arranged serve as help in finding the words easily 10 A is a book like a dictionary that contains the synonyms and to words 11. All words in a dictionary and thesaurus are called 12. I can use or even to get the meaning of words What Can I Do Directions Using the dictionary entries above, find the meaning of the words in Com choices in Column B. Write the letters of the correct answers on your answer sheet B А 1 gaudy 2 gateway a) to bring or come together b) the post to which a gate is hung or the one again closes 3. gather 4. gauge ) marked by showinessor extravagan aghfce d) to measure e) an opening for a gat​

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