
April 2023 2 3 Report
Poem kindness to animal

can you please pick up all the rhyming form the poem I will mark as brainliest answer please answer

Kindness to Animals Little children, never give Pain to things that feel and live; Let the gentle robin come For the crumbs you save at home; As his meat you throw along He'll repay you with a song. Never hurt the timid hare (a) An old lad offers han her, bein her with refuses goes to those disho (b) At inn in Peeping from her green grass lair Let her come and sport and play On the lawn at close of day. The little lark goes soaring high To the bright windows of the sky, Singing as if 't were always spring, And fluttering on an untired wing - Oh! Let him sing his happy song, Nor do these gentle creatures wrong. Anonymous ​

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