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Answer: Brainliest
Nonsense: Report

Essential and Nonessential Appositives
Write E if the appositive is essential; write NE if it is nonessential.
1. Mr. Daza the author of this book is a successful businessman.
2. My cousin Linda plays the violin well.
3. The spider, a big and hairy creature, scared the children as they played in the grass.
4. The 1997 American epic romance and disaster film Titanic was directed, written by James Cameron.
5. They couldn't believe when the little boy stood up to John, the biggest bully in school.
6. The American sprinter Gail Devers won an Olympic Gold medal in the 100-meter-dash in 1992.
7. My friend Hazel was locked out of the house by her brother.
8. Gus, Eric's black cat, slowly crept up behind the kittens.
9. An enormous man with great strength, Henry was able to carry the entire pallet of bricks by himself.
10. The famous painting Mona Lisa features a woman with a secret smile.

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