2. Adjusting the offer to suit a buyer's needs including grading, assembling and packaging.
3. This pricing approach is setting a price based on the perceived value of the product.
4. A strategy where a company initially offers lower than regular market prices to enter a market.
5. Gathering and sharing market research and reports which are important for marketing planning and decisions
6. Defined as cost that does not change with an increase or decrease in the amount of goods or services produced.
7. Acquisition and allocation of funds to cover the costs of the distribution channel in a cost effective manner. 8. They are channel members that buy large quantity of goods from manufacturers, take care of warehousing, and resell to business like retailers.
9. This refers to how much consumers anticioare paying for a product in relation To competition and adverisement,
10. In pricing a product, the price that a company will charge will generally not be lower thon the cost and not higher than the consumer's perception of the product's value.​

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