
September 2022 1 3 Report
1. Named after its inventor, this tool is made up of multiplication tables.
A napier's Bone
C. analytical engine
B. slide rule
D. difference engine
2. It is a single two-foot-long ruler plotted with a logarithmic scale.
A. Napier's Bone
C. analytical engine
B. slide rule
D. difference engine
3. It was invented by Charles Babbage's.
A. Napier's Bone
C. analytical engine
B. slide rule
D. difference engine
4. A British inventor built this machine that automatically computes mathematical tables.
A. Napier's Bone
C. analytical engine
B. slide rule
D. difference engine
5. It is a machine that can do MDAS and
gets the
square roots.
A. abacus
C. step reckoner
B. pascaline/pascal's adding machine.
D. bombe​

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