
October 2022 1 7 Report
Pasagot po plss

_____5. What heat transfer happens when you burn your hand by touching a fire?
a. Radiation b. conduction c. Convection

_____6.. The heat from a hot burner to a pot is transferred by ______.
a. Convection c. insulation
b. Radiation d. Conduction

_____7. Johnny accidentally grabbed the handle of the hot pot.
a. conduction b. convection c. Radiation

_____8. . The man goes to take the hot pot off the stove with his bare hands.
a. Conduction b. Convection c. radiation

_____9. The candle will slowly heat the metal and transfer the heat directly to the man’s hand.
a. Conduction b. convection c. radiation

_____10.Heat transfers from an area of ____temperature to an area of ___ temperature.
a. high to low b. low to high c. high to high
d. It can travel high to low and low to high

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