Part I. TRUE OR FALSE (10pts.)
Directions: Write TRUE the statement is correct and FALSE is not
1. Farm tools and equipment will last longer if they are maintained properly.
2. The cleaning of equipment tools, and containers must take place in a designated
area away from field and the storage of agricultural inputs and fresh vegetables
3. Maintenance is needed in order to identify the activities and proper procedures in
the management of facilities as well as of the time, money and materials involved.
4. The improper maintenance of training tools, equipment, and facilities is the first and
foremost task in cleaning and storing.
5. Accumulated trash and dirt can create fire hazards, electrical malfunctions,
corrosion and rust of equipment.
6. Contaminants can cause intensive damage to hydraulic systems.
7. Condensation is the biggest threat to fuel systems next to using a poor grade of fuel
high in sulfur content.
8. Day-to-day maintenance keeps machinery, vehicles and equipment on farms
9. Regular inspection and service of agricultural vehicles is important to ensure
continuity of farm work and to prevent accidents in the field and in the work shop.
10. Before storing the unit of tillage tools, all ground-working tools and mold boards
should be cleaned and coated with a lubricant to guard against rust.​

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