
May 2023 1 2 Report
One morning, the Northwind and the Sun saw a man walking down a country road. He was wearing a new coat. "That young man looks very pleased with his new coat," said the Northwind. “But I could easily blow it off his back if I wanted to." "I don't think you could," said the Sun. "But let us see who of us can take off the coat." The Northwind began to blow hard. People had to chase after hats. Leaves were blown helplessly from the trees. The Northwind blew so mightily, but it was no use. The man just pulled his coat more tightly about him. "My turn now," cried the Sun. And he gave out his heat, gently at first. Insects hummed happily and flowers bloomed beautifully. The birds began to sing cheerfully. Then the Sun shone more strongly. Soon, the man began to feel very hot. "How hot and he took off his coat.

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