
November 2022 2 9 Report
Mark a check (/) on each item if the statement is correct and mark (x) if it wrong.

1.Strength training is most commonly seen as weight activity.
2.Strength training decreases metabolism and lessen cardiac function.
3.The best health is more than a freedom from a disease.
4.Nutrition is a branch of health science that emphasizes the importance of the food for growth and development.
5.Vitamin b 12 aids in bone,health and skin formation and resistance to infection.
6.Walking and stretching are effective warming up and cooling down activities.
7.A fitness activity includes physical movements designed to burn fats or calories.
8.Exhaling while working against resistance by lifting,pushing, or pulling helps you carry the weights with ease.
9.Eat healthy snacks, and try not to sky meals.
10.Macronutrients such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and water are mandatory intake by the body in large amount.

pa sagot po ng maayos ty
nonsense answer report
good answer brianliest ​

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