
October 2022 2 2 Report
MUP o CAPIJU. ASSESSMENT; Directions: Infer the meaning of the idiomatic expression from the sentences using roots. Encircle the letter of your answer. 1. The bank has confirmed the loan agreement, so it's a done deal." A. untruthful statement B. everything has been decided C. something even worse is going to happen D. unconfirmed agreement 2. Being in a state of insufferable pain for months is a fate worse than death itself. A. a disappointing defeat B. something unfair C. too extreme to bear, its intolerable D. bearable health condition 3. He was a complete novice in foreign affairs. He was a greenhorn! A. expert B. inexperience C. inflexible D, flexible 4. We need some able-and-ready volunteers who are capable to set-up chairs in the meeting hall. A. men who are healthy and have the ability to do anything. B. men who are not capable of doing something C. some who flatters and bowl down D. someone who is unwilling to help 5. I would like to excuse myself for my abdominal behavior at the party last week. I am afraid I lost my temper and said something that was very offensive. A. causing someone to feel deeply hurt, upset or angry B. act performed in order to stop something C. changing one's opinion D. unpleasant behavior and actions A NG

brainlest ko sasagot ng tama nyan ​

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