
August 2022 1 0 Report
Science 6 week 6 6 TRUE OR FALSE: Write I if the sentence is correct and F if the sentence is wrong. Write your answer on the space/line before each number. 1. Decantation means pouring off. 2. Filtration is a technique used to separate insoluble solid from a liquid. 3. Filtration can also be used to separate soluble solid from a liquid. 4. A technique used in separating a less-dense substance from a denser one is called decantation 5. Magnets can be used to separate non-metallic materials in the junkyards. 6. Sieving is a method which uses strainer or a big screen to separate the component of a mixture. 7. To separate mud from water, using a magnet is the best. 8. Evaporation is used the components of sea water. 9. The sieving technique is used to separate gravel from sand in the construction industry 10. Magnet is used to separate sulfur powder from iron filling.​

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