
September 2022 1 1 Report
Let us summarize what has been learned in this lesson. Choose the numbers of
sentences that are true to your current situation. Write your answer on your
answer sheets.
1. I understand how titles of texts help readers, understand the text.
2. Titles of texts give me clues on what the texts would be.
3. I understand the purpose of illustrations and how such textual aids
help readers.
4. Pictures that accompany a text really help me have a clearer idea on
what the text is about.
5. I know what illustrations are and what they do to the text itself.
6. I know the two functions of textual aids.
7. I am confident that I can fully utilize at least two textual aids when I
read texts.
8. I am now aware why pictures and other textual aids are part of
9. If you ask me, I can give examples of textual aids that you can also
use to help you understand the text you are reading.
10. I know why texts have titles.
11. I am still confused about how these textual aids actually help in
understanding a certain text.
12. I still have questions that I want answered.

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