learning task 5. read the text and complete the table below then convert the details of the given text into a diagram using appropriate graphic organizer. do this in your notebook

Tsunami is a series of waves that are produced by the sudden movement of the seabed earthquakes volcanic eruptions underwater landslide or even in a steroid but frequently they are measuring at least 6.5 in magnitude. At a magnitude of 8 at chunami can be devastating the ship of the ocean pearl cause water to be folded lowering the sea level and deforming the surface of the ocean is make waves or produce which system trigger another series of waves in deep water far from the epicenter of the earthquake tsunami beaches all few thousand cm what its height increase as the bottom of the ocean floor rises in extreme case the wave take on speed of 500 to 800 km per hour when the water is very decreasing in speed about 20 or 30 km per hour as they approach the coast the waves can reach heights of up to 30 m breaking one after the other intervals of 10 to 40 minutes sweeping away everything in their path toonami which is a japanese word for harbor wave occurs mainly in regions of strong tectonic activity ​

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