
May 2023 2 4 Report
Learning Task 4 Directions: Match the description in Column A with the terms in Column B. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.. Column A 1. It is usually sweet couse or dish usualy served at the end of a meal. 2. These are relatively simple to prepare and vary with sauces... 3. An excellent ready to serve dessert made from a variety of milks from cow, goat and sheep. 4. These are not fruit pies. 5. These may be served in their baking cups or may be unmolded and served with fruit gornishes or with desserf sauces, 6. it is made with whipped cream, beaten egg whites or both are folded to give lightness and allow to be stil frozen in an ordinary freezer. 7. It is made from fruit juices, water and sugar. Mik, cream and egg white. 3. These are marketed in two forms: the unsweetered and the fruit gelatin. 9. The simplest dessert and one of the best because they are nutritious, appetizing, and easy to prepare and serve. 10. A smooth frozen mixture of milk, cream, sugar, Rovorings and sometimes eggs. Column B A. Cheese B. Custard C. Dessert D. Frozen Dessert E. Frozen MoUSSES F. Fruit G. Fruit Cobblers H. Gelotin 1. Ice cream J. Pudding K. Sherbets​

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