
October 2022 1 1 Report
Katie Clean and Messy Missy


Katie Clean invited Messy Missy to her house to work on their biology project, but Katie Clean had no
idea what a visit from Messy Missy entailed. First, it was raining and Messy Missy neither bothered to
take her boots off nor thoroughly wiped them on the doormat. Then Messy Missy ate a bag of hot chips
on Katie Clean's white bedspread without asking, and Messy Missy is a sloppy eater, so hot chip
powder got all over the bedspread. Katie Clean tried to be polite and ignore Messy Missy's sloppy
behavior, but then Messy Missy threw her chip wrapper on the floor. Offended, Katie Clean pretended
that she was sick and asked Messy Missy to leave. The next day Katie Clean asked the teacher if she
could work by herself. After explaining her situation, the teacher allowed Katie to work alone. Messy
Missy would have finished the assignment by herself, but she spilled grape soda all over her

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