Independent Assessment 3 Identify the figurative language used in each sentence and figure out what means by using the different strategies you have learned in the prelious lessons Write your answer in your answer sheet Example Dan is in hot water after he was proven guilty of his wrongdoings Figurative Language: in hot water Meaning: in big trouble 1. It was so cold that I saw polar bears wearing jackets, Figurative Language: Meaning 2. It is so hot you could fry an egg on the sidewalk Figurative Language: Meaning 3. The church was decorated with a million of flowers. The flowers are immeasurable Figurative Language: Meaning 4. You are walking slower than a snail. Please, do it more quickdy. Figurative Language: Meaning 5. Mr. Cruz has been teaching here since the stone age. Some of his teaching strategies are no longer useful Figurative Language Meaning​

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