Independent Assessment 1 A. Write the sentences in your answer sheet, then circle the figurative language used in each sentence. Example: This luscious food is heaven in my mouth 1. The little girl cried a river of tears. 2. I had a ton of chores to do. 3. When she got scared, she jumped ten feet. 4. Matt was dying to go to the party. 5. The lady had a million things on her mind. B. Change the literal language inside the parenthesis into a figurative language. Do not forget to use punctuation marks in your sentences. Example: The man was (very thirsty) Answer: The man can drink a whole lake. 6. The car ride (took a long time) 7. The man was (very old) 8. The dog was (very big) 9. The package (was very heavy) 10. I was home (quickly)​

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