
December 2021 0 0 Report
Independent Activity 2 Given below are some of the responses from a survey on the use of organic and inorganic fertilizers. Survey Responses: a. Odorless and handy b. Always available in the market c. Fast production d. Made of chemicals i. Makes the soil unfertile (dependent to it) j. Natural k. Easy to produce 1. Promote the growth of beneficial organism m. Adds more nutrients to the soil n. Very high in production e. Hazardous to animals f. Expensive g. Foul odor h. It takes time to prepare Independent Assessment 2 1. Classify the survey responses into 2 groups of Fertilizers (Inorganic or Organic) as shown in the table 2. Choose from the survey responses the advantages and disadvantages on the use of fertilizers. 3. Write your answers on the space (columns and rows) provided in the table. Fertilizer Advantages Disadvantages Organic Inorganic
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