
December 2021 1 1 Report
III. Complete the statement below. Choose your answer from the given list. Small intestine. large intestine. stomach. anus. rectum. esophagus. mouth. ptyalin. peristalsis. digestion. __________________________________________The process of breaking down the food that can be absorbed for the use of the body is called ________. Digestion starts in the ________. The _______ as an enzyme moistens the food.From the mouth,the food enters a long muscular tube that starts from the back of your throat. The food then travels to the ______ where it is broken down into smaller pieces. The food is pushed down the esophagus into the stomach by rhythmic, wave-like movements known as ______. The food goes to the _______, a 7-meter coiled long tube in the lower abdomen where final digestion takes place. Undigested goes to the _______.The undigested food is eliminated through the _______.​

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