Identify this and answer

11. a flat gong without boss and is played in burial rites or head-hunting in festive occasions in a peace pact called Bodong.

12. consist of a single section of bamboo with a node at each end. Two strings are made by raising narrow strips of the skin of bamboo itself

13. consist of varying sizes of open pipes tied together

14. usually six pipes in a row, unattached to each other and play separately by six performers

15. made up of bamboo or metal, with a thin and flexible tongue made to vibrate by plucking the tip or by pulling a string attached to its tapered end

16. a conical drum played with open arms and positioned on the lap of performer

17. a stamping tube played by striking the bass against a hard surface and simultaneously covering and uncovering the upper ends of the tube. The instrument is used for healing and good harvest

18. produced by striking the split end against the palm of the hand. The instrument is used to drive away evil spirits along a forest trail.

19. these are instruments that produced sound thru vibrating itself. What classification is referred to?

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