
October 2022 2 6 Report
I-Read the following views and check the best response that shows respect and politeness.

1. Time is more important than money.
____I strongly disagree! You are wrong with that.
____I agree. Sorry. But, I don't think money, matters in this world.
2. I think that it is better to be happy than rich.
____I do too. I love money!
____I do too. Money can't buy happiness.
3. It is always better to be safe than sorry.
____I agree. It is always best to be careful.
____I beg to disagree with that. I think it is always safe to be cautious
4. I think to do things fast and easy, two heads are better than one.
____Not me! People should work together.
____I believe with that. Nobody knows everything.
5. Cats and dogs can understand human actions and feelings.
_____Maybe you are right, but would you mind to cite us your logical sources?
____Huh? Are you crazy? It is not a normal phenomenon.

Il-Directions. Yes or No. write Yes if you agree and No if you don't agree.

6. ____ A debate is done in front of an audience with different views.
7. ____ A good debate mediator listens to only one-point of view-practices bias.
8. ____ A good debate topic has only one correct side.
9. ____ In a formal debate, both the affirmative and the negative sides use strong
evidences or citations to support their arguments.
10. ____ Learning a lot about your topic by researching it, makes you a winner in a debate.

III-Directions: Read the following statements thoroughly. Then write FACT if you agree with
what the statement expresses and BLUFF if you disagree because it does not
express the truth.
11. ____ In a debate, it is always proper to shout to express your point of view.
12. ____ Before rebutting in a debate, be sure that you have conducted a thorough
research about the issue and you should discuss with your teams the points, the
opposition made and think of the best strategy how to refute them.
13. ____ In a debate, the one who presented the weakest resolution is declared the
14. ____ During a debate, the moderator must always interrupt the speaker's of each
team whenever unnecessary statement is delivered.​

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