I. Opposite words

1. Before -
2. Filled -
3. Delightful -
4. Shy -
5. Allow -
6. Quiet -
7. Dull -
8. Upstairs -
9. Tidy -
10. Refuse -
11. Appeared -
12. Delicious -
13. Nearby -
14. Paused -
15. Touched -
16. Lonely -
17. Glad -
18. Jolly -
19. Afraid -
20. Richness -

II. Make short sentences with the following words.

1. Portrait -
2. Quaint -
3. Examine -
4. Disturb -
5. Lonely -
6. Entertain -
7. Cheerful -
8. Delightful -
9. Jolly -
10. Mansion -

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